Week 23 challenge (08-06-14): Make some crochet art! Visit www.wordle.net and create, then share your creation.
Answer: At first I thought, this is weird. But it turned out to be wonderfully fun! Here are my creations.
The "crochet art" is created using word cloud creators. They are called that because they form visual "clouds" out of words.
I used two free word cloud creators: Wordle and Tagxedo. Both allow you to put in a web site address (URL), and then will create a world cloud using the words found at that address. The more a word is used at the site, the larger the word will be in the cloud. You have options to remove words, change fonts, and colors. They will ignore words like "the", "and", "it", etc. You can even choose to have your words line up all horizontal, all vertical, or a mix.
Wordle (www.wordle.net)
Tagxedo (www.tagxedo.com)
These were actually quite fun and addictive. They would also make a fun project for or with kids --- what endless creative possibilities with font, color, shape, orientation, and spacial concepts!
Until next time!
It's never too late to join the 52 Week Crochet Challenge by Julie at Red Berry Crochet!
One simple task per week - your skills, style & knowledge will evolve while you're having fun!
It's never too late to join the 52 Week Crochet Challenge by Julie at Red Berry Crochet!
One simple task per week - your skills, style & knowledge will evolve while you're having fun!
#crochet #wordart
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