Findings: Actually, I did know that, but had never crocheted from a UK pattern. Since I've been wanting a round mat to go under my Arthur Court fruit bowl....

....this Plant Pot Mat pattern looked perfect.
Found at Patterns for Crochet (UK), most patterns are in both US and UK terminology.
The first interesting thing discovered was that the pattern asked for a 4.50 mm hook. I didn't have one!
I have a full set of Susan Bates US size hooks, and had noticed before, that size G-6 (4mm), jumped up to size H8 (5mm). There were times I've wished I had that in-between size for adjusting gauge, but made do with the ones I had. And I'd never come across a pattern calling for it before.

The next thing I got mixed up on was converting UK tr to US terminology. I got it backward. I translated UK tr = US dtr, instead of UK tr = US dc. No wonder my first round was so wacky!

This exercise made me appreciate the ones from other countries that crochet from our US patterns, and will be more mindful writing patterns from here on. Adding US to UK conversion tables to the patterns I write is simple to do and hopefully will be helpful.
Back to the plant pot mat - Here it is under the fruit bowl (currently holding tomatoes from our garden). I think it turned out to be quite pretty, don't you?
Kathryn from Crochet Concupiscence worked up this chart (on right) that gives US vs UK terminology. Click on the chart to go there / view larger.
Here are tools used while working this pattern:

This challenge was actually lots of fun. If you do it, I'd love to hear your experiences and see what you made!
Until next time!
It's never too late to join the 52 Week Crochet Challenge by Julie at Red Berry Crochet!
One simple task per week - your skills, style & knowledge will evolve by just having fun!
It's never too late to join the 52 Week Crochet Challenge by Julie at Red Berry Crochet!
One simple task per week - your skills, style & knowledge will evolve by just having fun!
#crochet #terminology #US-UK
Your thoughts are always appreciated!